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One of my best college classes was an entrepreneurship class taught by Thomas Heuer. This class focused on developing skills to become an effective and efficient leader. In this class, we completed many assignments centered around self-development and breaking boundaries within yourself. One of those memorable assignments was to write a paper describing “What’s in Your Box.”

You might be questioning what the “box” is referring to. I know I was when first assigned the paper. However, after further explanation, I easily grasped the concept. Let me explain. In simple terms, the box is your current goal(s). The space-filling box represents the limitations and boundaries preventing you from reaching your highest potential and meeting those goals. These limitations are not only weighing the box down but also filling its space. 

You might be questioning what the “box” is referring to. I know I was when first assigned the paper. However, after further explanation I easily grasped the concept. Let me explain.

In simple terms, the box is your current goal(s). The space filling your box represents the limitations and boundaries preventing you from reaching your highest potential and meeting those goals. These limitations are not only weighing the box down, but also filling its space. 

For the assignment, we were asked to write a paper explaining what is in our box, and ultimately come up with tangible tasks that could be completed to help break down the box.  

Example: My goal was to get my “dream job.” So the question I asked myself was “What is the thing holding me back from one day getting my dream job?” I soon learned that “thing” is a lack of confidence. 

The following six weeks I began to hyperfocus on my achievements (big or small) and write them down. I also listened to podcasts about understanding potential and personal greatness. These small tasks I set for myself significantly helped me build my confidence and clear up space in my box. 

Now that you know what this “box” is, it would be fair to question why it is important. 

I would argue that this “box” concept is key for anybody, whether you are a successful teacher, student, CEO, parent, etc.  Regardless of who you are – you have goals. If you struggle establishing your goals, here is a great blog to help you set goals. These goals can be big or small. 

I believe that there is often something holding you back from reaching your goals (whether you are aware of it or not). That is why it is important to step back, think, and reflect on the limitations filling your box. 


I have provided some steps below to help you reflect on your box with hopes you learn more about yourself and find ways to push boundaries to break your box. 

1.    Ask yourself: What goal(s) have I set for myself? This can be a long-term or short-term goal, a large or small goal, an old or new goal, a complex or a simple goal … there are no limitations. 

2.    Think: What are the limitations holding me back from achieving this goal? These can be personal limitations, physical limitations, etc. 

3.    Reflect: Why do these limitations exist? Think about your past experiences, recent realizations, personal stories, etc.

4.    Brainstorm: What are tangible tasks I can do to break limitations? Now that you have your goal and understand what is holding you back from reaching your goal, think of ways you can work to break boundaries over a span of 6-8 weeks. These are extremely personal and vary from person to person. 

5.    Execute: Once you have a list of actionable items, it is time to perform those actions. Actively focus on clearing space in your box during this extended period of time. 

6.    Ask yourself: How well did I do over these past 6 weeks? Did I break any limitations? What can I do differently next time? How did this get me closer to my goal?

7.    Repeat: You do not live life with only one goal. Continue clearing your box. 

In conclusion, you will not see results without goals, and you will have a hard time achieving your goals with limitations in the way. Those limitations live in your personal box. However, this box can be broken through reflection and actionable steps. By following the steps to break your box, in time, you will push boundaries and begin to see results.


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