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Digital Marketing

Let me guess, it’s time to update your website or get new content for your Instagram page. We’ve all been there. I mean, you can only repurpose content for so long, right? Every once in a while it feels good to sit back, evaluate your brand, and plan out that much-needed photo shoot so you can push out fresh, timely content. 

If a brand photoshoot is the next thing on your “to-do list,” we want to help you navigate the process. Follow along for your ultimate guide to creating a seamless experience for you, your photographer, and your team. 


Even though you’re creating fresh, updated content, you still want the look and feel of your branding to stay consistent. Think of it this way, if someone comes across a photo, video, or graphic you post, they should automatically be able to recognize that it came from your brand even before looking at who posted it. So let’s get reacquainted with your audience and brand guidelines. Ask yourself the following questions:

Who is my target audience? Do you have a target audience persona? If not, click here to learn the importance and develop yours to get clear on your audience. 

What do I want my brand to represent? Look at your content pillars and brand values! Need help on brand values? Click here. 

How do I want my brand represented?

What are the colors, textures, looks, and feels that represent the feel behind my brand?

How did I do a good job representing my brand in previous shoots?

How can I improve my brand image with this shoot?

By answering these questions, you should have a fair understanding of what your goals are and the image you want your brand to portray. 

Before moving on to the next step, we recommend hopping on Pinterest or Instagram to evaluate the accounts you love. This will help give you inspiration on what you want these shots to look like. Save or pin the images you think fit your brand. Whether it is the hairstyle, makeup, outfit, setting, or pose – anything and everything is good for inspiration!

A physical therapist works with a client on a bike


Next, let’s look at the specifics. This next step will help guide how to plan specific shots, props, settings, etc…

a physical therapist talks with a client

What does the next month or quarter look like in terms of content? Which of your content pillars will you be focusing on? 

Do I need any specific pictures for campaigns or posts coming up (poses, product shots, etc..)?

If updating my website, are there specific shots I need to fill in the gaps (heavy white space, vertical photos, horizontal photos, photos that represent a new product or service, etc.)?

What worked/didn’t work in previous photoshoots?

Do I have any sponsored content I need to get out this month? 

What type of people do I need on set? Hair? Makeup? Wardrobe?

Where are ideal places to shoot to support my brand look and feel? Locations? 

What props do I need to represent my story?


At this point, you should have a clear idea of your brand image, the content you want/need to produce, and the people/things you need to produce that content. 

From here, it is important to get specific on what exactly you need to execute the shot list… At Nolia, we are huge fans of making lists to help collaborate and keep things organized and running smoothly. 

We like to make two specific lists. The “Props list”, and “Wardrobe list.”


Go crazy! You can never bring too much or over plan. Wouldn’t you rather have too much than too little?

Think back to your brand, and the image you want to portray. What items are necessary? (ie: Notebook, coffee mug, clipboard, soccer ball, helmet, plant, tapestry, etc..)

Think about the content you need to produce. If it’s a sponsored post, make sure you have all items for that listed out so you don’t forget anything! If we’re looking at content for day-to-day, what specific items are important for that content plan? What items do you truly use day to day to represent a “day in the life.”

Look back at previous pictures. Write down the props you liked, and make a list of the ones you wish you had.

Here is an example of Nolia Roots prop list for a branded photoshoot:

Our favorite wardrobe list recommendations:

LAYERS, LAYERS, LAYERS! What clothing can you bring that is easily removable/easy to add? For example, a T-shirt can turn into a T-shirt under a blazer, a T-shirt under a scarf, a T-shirt with a hat, etc. – these quick-change options will diversify your photos so it won’t look like a planned photoshoot. We recommend items such as:





Various shoes

Jewelry/Blue light glasses

Think about the necessary clothing for your brand. Are you a professional brand? Make sure you look professional! Are you an athletic brand? Don’t forget your jersey! Are you more casual? Jeans and a nice sweater are always a solid choice!

Are any makeup or hair items necessary? If you are responsible for hair/makeup, make sure you have all the products you need! (ie: hair tools, makeup brushes, makeup products, etc…)

Bring extra! Your shirt could rip or your heel could break while shooting. It is important to always bring extra clothing just in case!

Finally, review all these concepts with your photographer or marketing agency. Having clear communication with your photographer will help you execute a seamless brand photoshoot. We strongly believe if you answer these questions and follow these steps, you’ll have a successful, diverse shoot that’ll give you content for weeks to come!


Nolia Roots can take your marketing to the next level. Read our Case Studies to see how we transformed our clients’ businesses with real results.

The Spot Magazine

Cork & Candles

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