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Brand IdentityBrand StrategyGraphic DesignPublic RelationsWeb Design

Boutique healthcare practice needed integrated marketing department without the headache.

Beatty Harris Sports Medicine hires Nolia Roots as their (not so) in-house marketing department, offloading all aspects of their branding, PR, graphic design, media buying & more.


Client:Beatty Harris Sports Medicine
Industry:Health & Wellness
Needs:In-House Marketing Department, Marketing Strategy, PR, Media Buying, Graphic Design.
Results:Practice grew so much that the founders added two more physicians and a physical therapy department with 4 PTs to keep up with demand.

Beatty Harris Sports Medicine was founded out of a desire to provide high-quality, comprehensive, patient-focused musculoskeletal care for active individuals of all ages and abilities.


A startup, the founders of Beatty Harris Sports Medicine were so focused on establishing their business that they needed a partner to act, essentially, as their in-house marketing department. Their biggest goals, being new to the industry, were brand awareness, in-person brand activations, referral relations, and thought leadership.


The marketing strategists at Nolia Roots acted as the brand’s in-house Chief Marketing Officers and the rest of the team supported executing the strategy based on goals. 

Thought Leadership & Media Relations

First, the Nolia Roots team curated the brand’s main point of view which carried through as the brand’s key messaging points:

From there, we pitched this story to targeted local magazines that aligned with our target demographic and location. Vue NJ was one of the luxury magazines that picked up the story for digital and a 4-page spread in print. 

Beatty Harris Sports Medicine Magazine Article Screenshot
Beatty Harris Magazine with images and text

Media Buying

With thought leadership in mind, we partnered with key media publishers such as Philadelphia Magazine, Main Line Today, South Jersey Magazine, and Savvy Main Line to post sponsored, educational content for their digital and print viewers. We also harnessed these publications’ “Top” lists and digital/social media capabilities. Throughout these conversations, Nolia Roots lead the strategy, execution, and conversations with the media publishers. 

In addition, we scouted key OOH advertising areas that would attract the eye of potential patients. For example, because athletes (young and old) are our target demographic, we designed and posted ads in places like golf courses and on the scoreboard of local high school football fields.

Beatty Harris - Faces of the Mainline
BHSM on the Mainline Today Website
Beatty Harris Ad Placement on Philly Mag

Brand Photography

Because the brand’s team is growing rapidly, we schedule bi-annual photoshoots to highlight the new hires and update imagery. 

Web Maintenance 

Because the brand doesn’t have a true in-house marketing team, we support them in their digital efforts as well – tracking web analytics to measure ROI, web maintenance, and web design.

Public Relations, Sponsorships, & Events

In addition to media relations, Nolia Roots supports the BHSM team through other PR efforts as well. 

For example, we’ve given leaders of the team opportunities to be guests on podcasts, guest speakers at key events, and part of panels aimed at our target referral audience.

Instagram Post of Dr. Amber MacFarlane of Beatty Harris

In addition, we’ve strategized and organized in-personal activations and on-location sponsorships to engage our end user (active patients!)

Be Well Philly Fest w/ Philadelphia Magazine

Beatty Harris Table

Branding & Graphic Design

From the brand’s logo and business cards to swag and advertisements, we support BHSM in all of their graphic design needs.

Social Media Management

Even though social media isn’t the brand’s top business driver, they tasked the Nolia Roots to support them in social media marketing to drive educational content backed by blog posts written by the Nolia team, promote events and services, and engage with patients and referral sources.



Many businesses have to choose between onboarding a team of in-house marketers or hiring an experienced, talented, and driven agency to lead their marketing efforts. For Beatty Harris Sports Medicine, the decision was a no-brainer.